A while back she had the cartridge
removed from her knee. They put her
on stereo to reduce the information.
Then she had to have the cactuses
taken out of her eyes. Sadly her friend
contracted M & S and her husband
had trouble with his prostrate gland.
It made him incontinental, but his new diet
did wonders for him – polyurethane margarine.
But when she started going to Weight Lifters
that finished all of them. They had no-one
to turn to for consolidation.
Susan Jordan writes both poetry and prose. She has had poems published in a number of print and online magazines including Acumen, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Obsessed with Pipework and Snakeskin, and in Spilling Cocoa. Her first collection, A House of Empty Rooms, is coming out later this year.