Well, Happy New Year to all our contributors and readers. A new year is always a good time to reflect on how things are going and the unfortunate truth is that this place is not quite the vibrant hub that it almost was in the early days back in the first half of last year. The submissions have slowed to a trickle and the numbers of views of each poem posted have also dropped significantly.
If I were more of an editor by temperament, I might be tempted to saddle up and mount a big campaign that would drum up support (and maybe mix a few more metaphors into the bargain). However, one of the many valuable things I’ve learnt over the last nine months is that I’m not really an editor by temperament. At least, not of a poetry magazine. Also, if the truth were told, I have other projects for 2017 that are demanding my attention, and I need to focus.
So as of today:
- Submissions to SCOMA are closed.
- Submissions that have already been accepted will be published as promised, unless you would rather they weren’t – in which case please do get in touch.
- Unprocessed outstanding submissions will be processed as if nothing had happened, although – again – I will quite understand if you’d prefer to withdraw your work from submission.
- This site will remain as a monument to your excellent collective creative endeavours for the foreseeable future.
Apologies for the abruptness of this message. If there is anyone out there would who like to take up the reins as editor, please do let me know, as I really would like this thing we’ve all created to carry on in some form or another. The world needs humour more than ever.
All the best,
Kinda hard to like a post such as this, but just to say that, although I read SCOMA only via email, it was a very welcomed spark of light, wit and humour. Therefore I feel myself and others owe you a big thank you for providing a place where all those poems found home. Thank you!
Perfectly understandable, Jon, but sad nonetheless. Thanks for making my little verses so welcome when they were lost and lonely with no one to read them. x
I suppose that the one thing I’d really like to say is Thank You: for offering such a witty and stimulating outlet over those brief 9 months.
Many thanks for all your kind words 🙂
Sorry to see you go. There is a dearth of places to read funny poems, or to submit them to.