We know where all the bins are
and the window keys
and how to operate the washing machine.
We know the quirks of the toilet,
the floorboard that creaks,
the pipes and tubes that are liable to leak.
We know where the dust gathers,
the knack to broken gates,
that the clock in the kitchen runs five minutes late.
We know our local A+E,
the nearest doctor,
that strange night-noise is the Police helicopter.
We know hours of pubs and shops,
takeouts we can trust
and which cupboard holds spray to treat the rust.
We know what the TIVO holds for us,
our spots on the settee,
my bed is memory-foamed the shape of me.
We know grubby cook-books well,
our stash of herbs and spices,
and where we store treats to feed our sugar vices.
Sarah L Dixon tours as The Quiet Compere. She has been published in Ink, Sweat and Tears and The Interpreter’s House among others. Sarah’s inspiration comes from being by water and adventures with her five-year old, Frank. She is still attempting to write better poetry than Frank did aged 4!