Dear Sir/Madam – by Karen Jones
We hope this finds you well
No need to respond
Our letters always start this way
Thank you for your recent correspondence
It languished in our inbox
Growing mouldier by the day
We refer to the issues raised
Certain you will feel heard
By their very mention on this page
And sorry you feel that way
(Add allegation here) without prejudice
The lawyers got their hands on this
Out of an abundance of caution
Very pedestrian steps have been taken
And nothing will change
We can assure you of that
It sounds solid when you read it back
We liked that last line a lot
There are no plans at present
We’ll bend like palm trees in the morning
It’s a fluid situation at the end of the day
As a gesture of goodwill
We hope the enclosed brings no luck
But needs must, court and whatnot
The matter has been referred
Somewhere, someone, head office
That dark hole of corporate resolve
Don’t hesitate to call
If we can be of any assistance
Now piss off pal, jog on
Committed to the highest standards
Is this statement of vague ambition
We like to shoehorn in at the end
Kind regards
Customer Services
(No, you can’t have the manager instead)
Karen Jones is new to writing poetry, a student of Kevin Higgins, and putting her head above the parapet with this first submission. Born in Northern Ireland, she lives in Dublin and works in public relations.